do (something) over- do again. You didn't get a good grade on the homework assignment. You need to do it over.
do (someone) in- kill someone (real or imaginary). The robbers tried to steal my money and then do me in.
do (someone) good- be good for someone. I know you don't want to learn Latin, but it will do you good in the future.
do without (something)- live without something. We didn't bring enough money to the store so we are going to have to do without the snacks.
do away with- stop having something. The school is going to do away with uniforms. Nobody likes them.
do well for (oneself)- become successful. Danny has really done well for himself. He owns 5 restaurants.
Choose the best answer.
Phrasal Verbs using Do
do up- make something
look good. Melissa did up her makeup before she went to the
do (something) over- do again. You didn't get a good grade on the homework assignment. You need to do it over.
do (someone) in- kill someone (real or imaginary). The robbers tried to steal my money and then do me in.
do (someone) good- be good for someone. I know you don't want to learn Latin, but it will do you good in the future.
do without (something)- live without something. We didn't bring enough money to the store so we are going to have to do without the snacks.
do away with- stop having something. The school is going to do away with uniforms. Nobody likes them.
do well for (oneself)- become successful. Danny has really done well for himself. He owns 5 restaurants.
Check Your Understanding
Choose the best answer. 1. If you don't do your work right the first time, you have to .
2. The mafia after he told the police about their plans.
3. My wife really the new bedroom. Before it was kind of ugly, but now it's beautiful!
4. When you go camping in the woods you have to electricity.
5. Sally started her own business and now makes a lot of money. She has really herself.
6. My company a lot of paperwork when they realized it wasn't helpful for business.
7. He's been pretty lazy lately. A little exercise will . He'll feel a lot better later.

do (something) over- do again. You didn't get a good grade on the homework assignment. You need to do it over.
do (someone) in- kill someone (real or imaginary). The robbers tried to steal my money and then do me in.
do (someone) good- be good for someone. I know you don't want to learn Latin, but it will do you good in the future.
do without (something)- live without something. We didn't bring enough money to the store so we are going to have to do without the snacks.
do away with- stop having something. The school is going to do away with uniforms. Nobody likes them.
do well for (oneself)- become successful. Danny has really done well for himself. He owns 5 restaurants.

Choose the best answer. 1. If you don't do your work right the first time, you have to .
2. The mafia after he told the police about their plans.
3. My wife really the new bedroom. Before it was kind of ugly, but now it's beautiful!
4. When you go camping in the woods you have to electricity.
5. Sally started her own business and now makes a lot of money. She has really herself.
6. My company a lot of paperwork when they realized it wasn't helpful for business.
7. He's been pretty lazy lately. A little exercise will . He'll feel a lot better later.
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